Responsible Drinking
At Cerveja Sagres®, we are aware that alcohol abuse is a complex social problem and we are committed to emphasising the importance of drinking in moderation. We know that there are no simple solutions, and every case is different, but we do believe that a transversal approach is important in promoting responsible drinking.
Did you know that we have paired up with authorities, NGOs and experts to create solutions to alcohol abuse and its inherent risks? Let us guide you through our programme, based on three strategic pillars and commitment to "a journey to moderate consumption and the end of alcohol abuse”:
- There is always a choice – we guarantee low alcohol and alcohol-free options. We are committed to innovation and to ensuring that you can always choose when and what type of Sagres beer you will drink.
- Fighting alcohol abuse – we are playing an active role in fighting alcohol abuse by forging local partnerships so that we can fight alcohol abuse together, discussing subjects such as underage drinking and driving under the influence of alcohol.
- Promoting moderation – we use our media to get this message across and our goal is to get it across to the largest number of people possible. Are you on board?
We want to lead the drive for responsible drinking, involving individuals, the community and the beer industry as a whole. This is the commitment of Sagres as a partner of "Cervejeiros de Portugal" (Portuguese Brewers).

Since 2010, all our beers containing alcohol bear the responsible drinking stamp: "Enjoy in Moderation".
Have you noticed it? We have been and always will be in favour of responsible drinking, and this crystal-clear and visible message clearly reflects our values.

Alcohol & Health
When consumed in moderation, beer and other alcoholic drinks in our portfolio can be part of a well-balanced lifestyle. We are proud brewers committed to promoting responsible consumption and reducing the harmful use of alcohol. We think it is important that consumers are well-informed about alcohol, our products and how they can be enjoyed responsibly.

What is alcohol?
How can alcohol affect me?
What is the safe amount of alcohol to drink?
Are there times when I should not drink alcohol?
Why do different people "burn" alcohol at different rates?